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It’s Been A While

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It’s been a long while since I’ve really posted anything exciting on here. Or anything at all. I was so caught up on other projects that I started to neglect the ones that truly matter.


Yeah. I’m being pretty selfish but fuck it.Your own shit is the ONLY that really matters.

So…since it’s been such a long while I’ll update you on what the hell I’m actually going to be doing on this website (at least once a week…go me…). I’ll start by reintroducing myself. My name is Tipsy. I am a woman. Got the girl bits to prove it. I throw crap on a website that involves stuff on my mind, my family, and other things that are going on.  I use a lot of bad words and say things that would make a truck driver blush. There you have it.

Holy Shit! It’s that simple! Set it and forget it! Or something like that.

I’m going to leave it at that for now as I have a lot of stuff coming up (once or twice a week as I’m feeling like a motherfucking overachiever now. Feel my overachieving muscles bitches.)

Till Then,


About Val

Big Cheese of Kinkhead Creations. Writer/Designer/All Around Awesome. An "Artist".

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